12 June, 2012

Montes del Plata opens first section of Route 55

Project will prevent heavy traffic through ConchillasMontes del Plata has inaugurated the first 4.5 kilometer section of the total 12 kilometers it will build for the Route 55 extension.

The decision to begin with the center `Conchillas bypass` section of the extension is in response to the company`s commitment to prevent heavy traffic through the town, a responsibility assumed along with the national and departmental governments and with the local community in particular.
The project will continue with a 2.5 kilometer section that will connect this first section to the mill being built in Punta Pereira. Lastly, a 5.1 kilometer stretch will connect the center section to Route 55. In parallel, a grade separated interchange is being built for routes 55 and 21 to improve safety for this intersection. The company invested USD 6.5 million for the recently opened section.
Montes del Plata general manager Erwin Kaufmann said, we are pleased to see this stage of the project completed because it manifests Montes del Plata`s continual commitment to the community, as well as the importance of working together with national officials and officials Colonia. Kaufmann noted that the new access road to the mill will prevent trucks going through Conchillas, helping to significantly reduce the impact on urban infrastructure and (improve) the safety of the people. In addition, Montes del Plata established the use of a bi-modal transport system for wood, intensifying river transport whenever possible. As such, the impact on highways is reduced by reducing the flow of heavy traffic. Colonia Intendant Walter Zimmer highlighted the support that Montes del Plata is providing the area with this project. It is really important for the State thank the company because it is complying with the various stages and I am totally convinced that, since we started talking with the company, Montes del Plata has met its commitments and has always been there to offer social contributions, he stated. Zimmer also said that the inauguration of this first section enables Conchillas to continue being National Historical Heritage and that it will prevent accidents. Meanwhile, National Topography Director Jorge Franco said that for the Ministry of Transport and Public Works these changes are very important. It was done in record time. So we were able to show that it could be finished within Montes del Plata`s timeframe. 
During the months of work, the company along with local officials took various measures to minimize the impact of the trucks traveling around the perimeter of the town of Conchillas, hiring traffic inspectors to facilitate and control vehicle circulation in key points.In addition, efforts were made to increase the awareness of drivers of the company and of outsourced companies. Roadway safety events in Conchillas were also organized.
The project
The extension of Route 55 is a project being carried out by Montes del Plata in an agreement with the Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP). Construction began in August 2011 after the completion of the expropriation process. The highway will extend the intersection with Route 21 to the Punta Pereira Free Zone entrance. The project is expected to be completed by March 2012 approximately. Montes del Plata held a bid to award this undertaking in which a group of top Uruguayan companies won. COLIER is the main contractor for the construction of the highway, while CIEMSA will build the interchange with Route 21 and CABLEX is installing lighting for the junction area.The ed construction technique (concrete pavement) features the best technology available in the country and is already proven with the recent construction of the Montevideo ring road.


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Visitas al Complejo Industrial

Días y horarios

Visitas de centros educativos y organizaciones (con ómnibus propio): Todos los jueves a las 9.00, 10.30, 14.00 y a las 15.30 horas.
Duración aproximada: 1 hora. Las visitas comienzan en la Oficina Montes del Plata en Conchillas (Calle David Evans s/n).

Agendar visita

Comunicarse al teléfono: (+598) 4577 2832 o por correo electrónico: visitas@montesdelplata.com.uy. También puede inscribirse en Oficina de Montes del Plata en Conchillas de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 17.00 horas.


  • Las visitas están sujetas a disponibilidad de la empresa.
  • El Complejo Industrial se reserva el derecho de cancelar las visitas hasta una hora antes de la misma.
  • Una vez reservada la fecha de la visita, los grupos deberán enviar información de los visitantes y documentación del vehículo.
  • Todos los visitantes deberán presentar cédula de identidad o pasaporte original vigente para el ingreso al Complejo Industrial sin perjuicio de haber enviado el número del documento con anterioridad.
  • Se reciben grupos estudiantiles a partir de tercer año de escuela.
  • No está permitido descender ni tomar fotografías o grabar videos durante el recorrido en el Complejo Industrial.

Visitas al Bioparque M’Bopicuá

El Bioparque M’Bopicuá ha sido acondicionado para recibir visitas de instituciones educativas, fundamentalmente escuelas y liceos. Estas visitas son guiadas por personal capacitado y se restringen a los meses de marzo a agosto para no afectar la reproducción de las especies.

El circuito guiado comprende tres áreas: la estación de cría de fauna, un sendero de interpretación del monte indígena y las ruinas del “Saladero M`Bopicuá” que datan del siglo XIX.

Por consultas e inscripciones: contacto_bioparque@montesdelplata.com.uy.

Nuestras oficinas

Nuestras oficinas

  • Colonia 

    Conchillas: Calle Evans s/n - Tel: +598 45772832

    Punta Pereira Planta Industrial Tel: +598 45775000

  • Montevideo 

    Luis Alberto de Herrera 1248, Complejo World Trade Center, Torre 3, piso 9. Tel: +598 26236300

  • Durazno 

    Artigas 369 Tel: +598 43620853 

  • Paysandú 

    Av. España 1552. Tel.: +598 47227575

  • Río Negro 

    Vivero Montes del Plata - Ruta 24 Km 0. Tel.: +598 4562 7523

    Terminal Logística - Ruta 24 Km 0. Tel: +598 45627000

    Centro Tecnológico Forestal - Ruta 24 Km 0. Tel +598 45631037

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