19 March, 2012
Montes del Plata present at Expoactiva
Montes del Plata was present at the 17th annual Expoactiva fair held 14 to 17 March. The event was organized by the Soriano Rural Association and located on kilometre 255 of Route 2.
The four day event enjoyed good weather and a large turnout of public was present to see the 320 exhibitors, 650 brands and 100 machinery demonstrations throughout the exhibition.
Located at the centre of the static display area of the exhibition grounds, Montes del Plata`s stand was chiefly used for scheduling meetings with agricultural and livestock producers and providing a wealth of information including the company`s institutional presentation and business proposals.
Moreover, the company sponsored the Rural Skills Contest organized by Plan Agropecuario, El Timbó and Diario Rural. The aim of the sponsorship is to strengthen Montes del Plata`s integration with the surrounding agricultural and livestock sector companies while rewarding young people who choose to stay in the countryside.
This year`s contestants included eight three-member groups, which in turn are mainly comprised of agrarian clubs, agrarian schools or rural workers various areas of the country.