11 June, 2012
Workers and Montes del Plata cooperate in Carmelo
Activities of workers currently living at the Carmelo Housing Centre include recreation at the city`s Plaza de Deportes sports plaza.
In return, Montes del Plata and the workers themselves have decided to improve the area, which is of great relevance to the city.
On 7 June a group of workers dedicated their time and skills to set up the perimeter fence that was greatly needed at the plaza. Materials were supplied by Montes del Plata.
A few days later, on Sunday 10 June, Montes del Plata workers took part in the Duathlon, a sporting competition in the city that was also a great success for both the participants and the public. Montes del Plata was once again present, this time by donating the medals awarded to the winning participants.
In Conchillas, the company focuses on supporting local sports organizations that present projects leading to tangible improvements to the community.
These include the Uruguayo Fútbol Club, whose field was used to host the championship organized along with SUNCA, the Club Central Labradores Radial Hernández and the emblematic Así Nomás. Likewise, work is channelled through the Local Development Forum to collaborate with the Pueblo Gil sports plaza commission.